Struggles with the Scale

Today was a bad day. So was yesterday. I’ve been having a struggling ever since my last appointment with my nutritionist with the number on the scale. I’ve been extremely frustrated. The scale didn’t budge for an entire week and a half after I last talked to her. After my two cheat meals, it went up a pound. And it’s stayed there for 4 whole days. I’m getting really concerned because I have another appointment with her this Thursday. I’m scared that the scale is going to go up again. Or it’s going to stay up and therefore show as a gain for this appointment.

I don’t understand why. I’ve done everything that she’s told me to. I’ve eaten the right things, I’ve worked out, and I’ve kept my cheat meals to a minimum. I haven’t eaten gluten nor have I eaten dairy. I know that you are going to gain weight after a cheat meal, but I just wasn’t expecting for it to not come off. All I want to do right now is eat. I already found myself picking up a Starburst at work and sneaking it back to my desk. Then, I stopped and realized something. Anytime that I don’t see results, I immediately start losing motivation.

This is my weakness. This is my red flag. I am in a ten-pound range where I always end up giving up. I do not want to give up this time. I want to succeed. I want to lose the weight this time. I can’t let myself fall down the path again. Honestly, I want to throw away my scale, but I know I can’t do that. I need to have that so I can put myself into a reality check. If it goes up, I won’t allow myself to have that nut butter or the LaraBar.

A friend of mine recommended starting to do measurements on myself since I currently don’t do that with my nutritionist. That might help as extra motivation. I think I might start doing that. Other than that, I don’t know what else to do to help re-motivate myself in times that I’m feeling blue.

What do you do to re-motivate yourself?
Have you ever struggled with your weight?
Do you have any suggestions for me?

About erinberries

Hi! I'm Erin. I'm a twenty-something girl from Texas on her weight loss journey. I'm glad you found my blog! Feel free to contact me with any questions at
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14 Responses to Struggles with the Scale

  1. haleyeats says:

    That’s rough. It’s always worse when you focus on it so much! Whenever I tell myself to eat perfectly clean/healthy I always end up cheating. I would just try and recommend not worrying about it so much. Focus more oh how you feel and how your clothes fit then the scale. You are doing all the right things and results will come, just give it time 🙂

  2. meagan says:

    I think that measurements sound like a great idea. Sometimes when the scale doesn’t budge, it’s easy to get discouraged. Remember other indicators that your body is changing: the way your clothes fit, the way you look, & the way you feel. Keep it up, girl!

  3. Amanda says:

    Gluten free sometimes has a lot more calories than regular foods. Best of luck though. 🙂

  4. I know exactly how you feel! I try to eat good and clean for a while now but the scale won’t go down.That’s frustrating, but as haleyeats says it is more about your feelling. I feel good, I feel healthy! I might not fit in the smallest jeans but I know I give my body the nutritions it needs and I eat the healthy stuff. Of course I cheat..everyone does, but don’t let it bring you down. enjoy your cheat meals and you will keep them to a minimum. No bad feelings..that’s just brings you down and leads to nothing!! You are doing an amazing job 🙂

  5. Hang in there girl I know how frustrating it can be to not see progress but I promise you the progress is still happening! Definitely use measurements to track your weight loss too! I am not the biggest fan of the scale especially if you are active too! There are so many different things that can cause weight to fluctuate on a daily basis! Try not to get too hung up on the number! Stay strong!

  6. Pingback: Weight Loss Roadblocks & Weigh-In | erinberries

  7. Amanda says:

    I’ve always also really struggled with ups and downs in staying healthy. Sometimes I had an easier time, sometimes I did not. Don’t think this is weird but here are some personal insights:

    What didn’t exactly help:
    -the super special foods
    -the super special work-outs
    -the fancy clubs etc

    Most of these things helped me outwardly stay on a track. Sometimes. However, it didn’t ACTUALLY help me fix what was wrong at an emotional level. I was a fairly quiet person for a long time, afraid to share my feelings because of an eagerness to be liked and appear the least difficult.

    What did help:
    A true change for (my) health, wellness, and self – required MUCH MORE than what you I in my mouth and how much I moved.

    I had to let go of some people in my life that were not very supportive emotionally, and focus on myself. If you don’t do it, no one will do it for you. In my case – I moved far far away and started a fresh new identity. A chance to create and focus on ‘me’. A chance to develop new habits and learn new things, which keeps me well fed in mind and body.

    A lot of what eats at you inside, is a lot of what can drive your inner hunger.

    • erinberries says:

      Thank you so much. I completely agree. Thankfully I have supportive people around me. I think that the big thing in my way is myself. I need to believe in myself and then I can make this happen.

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